Climate and Weather
Find out the details about Guilin’s climate and weather with latest Guilin weather forecast, average Guilin temperature, average rainfall in Guilin and more
Guilin has a sub-tropical monsoon climate with four mild and distinctive seasons. Guilin weather in January is the coolest with an average temperature of 7.9C (46F). July is the hottest with an average temperature of 28.3C (82.9F). Warm clothes are recommended for winter-wear, while in spring and autumn something lighter with a woolen sweater will be comfortable. T-shirts with skirts, shorts or slacks are the best choice for summer when the temperature can be rather high. Summer is the rainy season, especially in May and June. Always remember to bring an umbrella with you. Comfortable footwear suitable for walking is a must all year round. It would be wise to bring sun block with you, some medicine to prevent heatstroke and insect repellant Local herbal tea also helps travelers to become accustomed to the local weather and water.
The optimum time to travel in Guilin is from April to October. However, try to avoid the two golden weeks, namely May Day (1 May to 7 May) and National Day (1 October to 7 October), when all the people in China seem to move around. Also Spring Festival in January or February should also be avoided since more and more families take a trip rather than staying at home as before. At these times you can expect difficulties with hotel reservations, ticket booking and traffic conditions and prices are frequently much higher.
Guilin is situated in the north east of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the southern part of China. To get there it is only around 10 hours by bus or train from Hanoi (Capital City of Vietnam) or about the same time from Hong Kong to Guilin.
Geographic position: 25°16′14″N 110°17′31″E
Area: 27,809 km2 (10,737.1 sq mi)